안녕 everybody~
Welcome to another fresh semester with GKCS!
Starting off this
semester, we had a variety of different topics unlike last semester when we
focused on food!
On April 8th 2020,
we focused on the Entertainment Culture in Korea.
We stayed away from
any scandals within the idol industry so if you wanted some tea regarding that, we
didn't have any ><;;
This semester we
were led by our new president, Overlord Dori.
We briefly went
through the history of Korea's entertainment culture and how what we watch now
became to be what it is.
We talked about how
some shows has some interesting features for their shows. Yoorim stated how for
a show to continue living, they would need veteran host comedians, starting off
with a BANG level of popularity just with their hostnames.
Yoorim continued to
talk about how there are more shows hosted by women and is gradually pursued,
although it isn't trendy yet.
We all agreed about how some of the celebrities seemed rather out of place and overly exaggerated during the talk shows. Dori mentioned how the trend nowadays is to have a sharp tongue as they add to the comedic effect. Minjeong stated how now there has been a change in platforms from television to YouTube in which Ploychan (PJ) agreed to as it was a way for them to reach out internationally.
When we talked about
Korean Dramas, we went through the brief history of dramas and how most dramas are historical dramas which are known as 사극 (pronounced as Saguek). Nowadays, we see that there is a trend of fusion 사극 in which modern traits are fused together with historical events.
We had a somewhat split view on fusion 사극s. Yoorim was concerned in terms of how the historical events were being distorted which could be dangerous for younger audiences as they are being shown the wrong information. Dori added on with how there should be a happy balance in which the historic scenes should not be TOO modernized. Jun added on how they should maybe put a disclaimer stating that the historical events have been altered to match the storyline and PJ added with how most of the fusion 사극s resorted to time travelling to the future from the past or vice versa.
While wrapping up this week's topic, we ended up seeing a few interesting patterns in our discussions. Yoorim was interested in how we divided Kpop from this as we were talking about the entertainment culture in which Dori responded by saying entertainment is more focused within Korea while Kpop is more international-based.
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